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  • Can I trust Stoneface?
    Yes whenever you buy a work of Art from us, you WILL receive it. Stoneface Studio prides itself by knowing about its depths of dependability. Remember, though, ALL items are "One of a kind." I will work with you to replace any broken item.
  • How many items can I buy?
    We continously try to add new items to our inventory list with the goal of each one being purchased.
  • Is it affrodable?
    This is an original question from WIX. I will give better service.
  • Is there Climate Change and Evolution?
    That depends on your particular school system's curriculum. There is proof that glaciers are melting at an expotential rate. Darwin was an Theoretical Artist with a keen eye for detail and the truth. The keyboard of my laptop was designed for eight fingers and two opposable thumbs, that doesn't make it Intelligently Designed.
  • What's your favorite musical recording?
    Fur Elise, that and Aja by Steely Dan.
  • What are your favorite books?
    "Love in the Time of Colera," by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and "Being There," by Jerzy Kosinski.
  • What about you?
    Are you "There?" Do you possess requited love? Maybe Stoneface can help.
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