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New Project: First two chapters of my book, "Where Have You Gone Lately?" Look for it in the banner, or under the "More" button. Peace, Stoneface
Can I trust Stoneface?Yes whenever you buy a work of Art from us, you WILL receive it. Stoneface Studio prides itself by knowing about its depths of dependability. Remember, though, ALL items are "One of a kind." I will work with you to replace any broken item.
How many items can I buy?We continously try to add new items to our inventory list with the goal of each one being purchased.
Is it affrodable?This is an original question from WIX. I will give better service.
Is there Climate Change and Evolution?That depends on your particular school system's curriculum. There is proof that glaciers are melting at an expotential rate. Darwin was an Theoretical Artist with a keen eye for detail and the truth. The keyboard of my laptop was designed for eight fingers and two opposable thumbs, that doesn't make it Intelligently Designed.
What's your favorite musical recording?Fur Elise, that and Aja by Steely Dan.
What are your favorite books?"Love in the Time of Colera," by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and "Being There," by Jerzy Kosinski.
What about you?Are you "There?" Do you possess requited love? Maybe Stoneface can help.
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