New Project: First two chapters of my book, "Where Have You Gone Lately?" Look for it in the banner, or under the "More" button. Peace, Stoneface
Shipping & Returns
Shipping Policy
Shipping may change without notice. Only in the U.S.A. If I find a quote cheaper than the one I set - I will pass the savings on to you. All shipping prices are estimates, and do not include shipping insurance.
Return & Exchange Policy
If something breaks during shipping I'll seek revenge for the unfinished work of the kiln gods, in the meantime you might want to buy insurance. Each item is, "One of a Kind," and not replaceable, but I'll try. I'm trying to say politely, "No returns, no exchanges."
I will take your cash if you insist (Heck, I'll make a bowl to put it in). You can use Paypal.
